Saturday, November 11, 2006


With the Holiday Season fast approaching it seems a cruel joke to me that the last two months for my family and friends has been completely marred by loss... The first was the Beggining of October with the loss of my husbands great Aunt Rose, followed about 20 days later by my Great Aunt Edna.. a few Days after that my husbands Great Aunt Isabelle Passed away. I hoped desperatly that that would be the end. These women where all well on in years and lived long and filled lives, each touching the lives of their families in so many ways.
Unfortunatly the morning after the Last funeral we read in the paper that a friend from High School had succumbed after 25 long and incredible years of life to the Cystic Fibrosis that had always been a part of her life. The loss was huge as Jill touched every life she came in contact with, she was a true Earth Bound Angel and will continue to be an Angel in Heaven as well. A few days after that a friend told me that a far to young to go young women we went to School with when I lived in Ohio had been brutally murdered. I ask you .. is it over yet??? No, my mother called me to tell me that My Wonderful Uncle Doug has passed away from the Cancer he had been fighting for sometime.. My Uncle Doug was an Incredible man. He could make you laugh in just a few minutes time and convince even the biggest skeptic to just give it a try.. ( Hence the reason he once convinced me to try an Olive with an M&M inside it.. BTW>. DONTDO IT! ) but he was a loving Caring, Father, Husband, Brother, Uncle and Marine that the world will be missing for many years to come. The good news is he did something not everyone manages to do.. He made a mark. He touched lives and will be remembered forever for the lives he changed. I Hope someday when I get to the end of my road people can say the same about me. Here is an Article that was posted in the paper my Uncle was the Publisher of.. Please Check it out.. Read about the great man that is now a Great Angel.. Publisher Doug Fetzer loses fight with cancer

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Same as it once was!

About 15 months ago A's cousin was living in town and she would spend weekends with us very often. Lots of time she would stay with us Saturday night and then Sunday she would wake up and go to church with my MIL and then back to her own home.. Well she moved away in July of 2005 and we hadn't seen her since then. This past friday she came home for a visit.. She came back very grown up from the 12 year old who moved.. she is now 13 and even more beautiful than she was when she left and has grown at least 6 inches... It was nice having her here.. and definatly brought back memories of how life was for a while when at 7:45 this morning I was awoken by the phone ringing with my MIL Calling to say she was on her way to get J and cousin since J worked at 8 and cousin was going to church with MIL like old times.. Of course this meant rush rush with Jason and Cousin both heading off out the door in a somewhat unreadied state.. but still getting out which was the main goal.. Yep.. our house was a big flasback to what came once before.. it was nice.. despite the hurried frenzy and the bedheads that went off to their daytime rountines.. it was a pleasent weekend visit with a much missed cousin!~

Saturday, September 23, 2006

You Do Realize You Are Getting Paid Right???

This week the bane of my life is people who seem to not understand that they are getting paid for work.. If you have a job.. why not work your hours so you get paid.. Do you just want to be able to say I am scheduled to work such and such hours this week??? J is always being called in early or kept late at work cause someone else wants to leave early or not come in at all.. Do they not realize that the point of having a job is to make money???? If you are scheduled 10 hours and you only work 2.. what the heck is the point of having a job..Do you just like to say>. Hey.. I work at such and such place??? Its nuts... I am continually amazed.. Then.. when J does work the extra hours.. people are like.. why are you working so much.. Don't you hate being at work.. Yes.. I am not really fond of being at work he replies.. but you do realize you GET PAID?? to work right.. Sure the other employees poor work ethic sure helps money on our end.. ( like the week J had 53 hours.. ) .. but whats the point really.. why have a job if you are going to do everything you can not to go and get paid..
Its not even just the little teengagers my hubby works with Either.. A's new TSS seems to subscribe to this theory of work as well.. Thursday night she was supposed to see A from 3:30-8:00 well we cut it down to 6-8 because thsi was her second week with him and the first week was something less than great so I wanted to get a chance to see how she worked with him before sending them off alone.. and I wanted to get to know her before I let her drive A around.. Anyway.. I told her til 8 because our scout meeting runs til 7:30.. but it takes til 8 to get cleaned up and out of there and that period of time between 7:30 and 8 is often a time where a meltown happpens.. this week she took off at about 7:40 without really so much as a goodbye or a hey.. I am no longer going to be here to supervise your childs interactions.. and OF COURSE>. we where out of there about 10 minutes after she headed out the door and had a meltdown on the way to the car. .. Had she been there she could have seen what happens and how we can better deal with them and keep them from happening.. but nope.. SHE WAS GONE! SO Again I ask. You People Do Realize You Get Paid For Work RIGHT????

Friday, September 08, 2006

Yay! We are making it!

Today marks the 8th Day of School and so Far things are going great, A loves his teacher and that helps A TON she really seems to understand him. She has put him near people who he recognizes to make him more comfortable.. He is on an end desk so that he doesn't feel trapped in the middle.. All Is great in school land.. I had meet the teacher this week for him and I went in and listened to what the teacher had to say.. She sounds like she is really as excited for this year as the kids are which is wonderful. As I said this is her first full year with her own classroom and she is really striving to make it great.. I think she can do it..She is really helpful with all the kids and seems to really have a grasp of A's Asperger' s Related weaknesses. So far she has walked A down the bridge when School is out to make sure he can find me which is great since he gets lost and confused in the mix of 3 grades and all their parents that release from his door this year..

In other news I found out yesterday that A's therapy agency has finally secured another TSS for him.. I am sad to see the old one go as she was wonderful beyond words.. but we are looking forward to the new one.. She will meet with us Next Wednesday so that we can meet her before our years first Scouting Meeting and then Thursday night its into the Fire for her.. lol.. and I don't even mean that figuratively .. Last year at our Fall Roundup ( our first Cub Scout Meeting of the year) I heard the screaming of FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT coming from down the hall way.. Low and behold when I get down there.. there is my tiny, smaller than normal size 6 year old attempting to beat the snot out of some giant 11 year old.. Thank the Gods the other kids had parents who taught him not to punch the crap out of the crazy little kids... I don't know what posesses my child sometimes..Ok.. well.. maybe I do.. but I wonder somedays if he doesn't think he is untouchable.. He said that time that the problem was the kid didnt follow the rules of the Yu Gi Oh game the other kids where playing.. DANG.. you resort to fists over something like that.. We have a LOOONG way to go kid.. Thankfully the year did get a bit better.. I think 5 meltdowns out of the 30 or so total meetings which isn't great.. but its better than every meeting...

And Finally, I am finishing up by saying I am heading out this weekend to run a booth for the Scouts at a Local Festival.. we will be gone most of the day Friday, Saturday and Sunday.. Friday it will just be Me and A going from our Household as J has to work.. but the other twos days it will be all Three of us as J has requested those days off and Thankfully got them.. So, To anyone out there. Have a good weekend...Enjoy the last little bits of summer that are hanging on by a thread!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Bookbag is Packed

A's clothes are ready for tomorrow.. His bookbag is packed with his pencils and erasers and money for lunch, all thats left to do is get up in the morning and go.. Today was a long day but not a too bad one.. We had therapy this afternoon and had planned to go out to eat this evening with my in laws.. well.. about a half hour before therapy A says my finger hurts.. I walk over and dang it if his finger doesnt have a huge bump on it swollen to the size of his finger and yellow tinged.. So off we go straight to the drs.. turns out he pulled on a piece of loose skin and it got infected.. so Antibiotics for that.. Then off to Therapy.. we where 15 minutes late but it was ok.. after that Inlaws decided th ey didnt want to go to dinner.. thats fine.. I called my parents :) they wanted to go.. It was agreat meal.. and a nice change of pace from the usual.. we never get to go out with them and it was a fun meal and a good end to the summer vacation.. Will post again tomorrow if I get a chance with back to school pictures and a update of the day!

Monday, August 28, 2006

2nd Grade here we come..

Today is August 28th, Summer is ending for the school kids and we are only 2 days away from our first day of second grade. This year is being entered into with a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness. Our teacher for this school year is brand new to having her own classroom. But she is a very well liked and respected teacher both by the students ( she subbed at the school last year for the last part of the year ) and by the parents and teachers. She was recommended as the best choice for my son by his teacher last year who has a very wonderful grasp on what he needs out of the world. I am looking foward to next year. I have been told that a teacher always remembers her first class no matter how many years she has been teaching.. I Hope my son can help make her first year great and I hope she can help continue his growth as a student and a person. We have some IEP issues I think that will need to be addressed in the year to come. Speech Therapy being a main one as he will no longer be recieving it at Easter Seals because his health insurance has decidecd that they feel he is no longer in need of the services they evaluate for . His speech issues are mainly Pragmatic and they don't really evaluate for that.
Some other things going on, We have recently finanalized all our plans for our coming scouting year and are looking forward to lots of fun plans.. I will try hard to post pics and details along the way.. So that you can share our fun with us.. . Also in the final stage of planning is A's therapy schedule for the fall.. it is in no where near as hectic as last year.. but will still involve 5 therapies.. Physical Therapy, OT in the water, OT on the land, Behavioral Therapy and TSS Therapies..

Hello, and Welcome

Hi, For those of you that are here for the first time and don't know me I am V... I am going to try to stick with intials for the safety of myself and my family. To those who know me it won't matter.. to those who don't sorry .. its not that I don't trust you.. but well.. Safety is always a plus.
I am a 27 year old mother of one child, here named A. He has an wonderful personality. Is handsome as they come, is heading into second grade is a wolf cub in Cub Scouts and has a Autism Spectrum Disorder called Asperger's .. I put them in that order because none of them are more of less important than the others.. but none of them are stand alone definitions of him..
I am a stay at home mother .. partly because of necessity. partly because its just how it has to be for now.. My Husband .. Here named J is a restaurant Manager and good at his job even if he doesnt always belive he is.. He is also involved in Scouting and has Earned the Rank of Eagle Scout. He is my sons packs Cubmaster and really enjoys being involved in this wonderful program..

Friday, January 06, 2006

Copied Over Journals From 2006

January 1st 2006
Somedays it seems like its such a hassle to get these pages updated and posted. I enjoy sharing pictures so I keep doing this site in order to that. But man pulling the files up and editing them etc. Anyway, The New Year is starting off already and we are getting ready for Alex's birthday and his birthday party. Christmas was nice as was my birthday. We enjoyed getting to see all our family members especially the ones who live so far away now

January 15th 2006
This year has been going great so far. Alex went back to school the first week of the month and despite being sick halfway through the week he made a full recovery by Friday the 6th so that he was able to fully enjoy his birthday. The next day he had his birthday party which went off wonderfully and he had a great time with his friends. They where he for three hours and watched movies ate pizza and played with the toys. I think it was a good party.

January 15th 2006
Nothing much going on here, Birthday parties are over for the time being. Back to school everyday. Though we do have a long weekend this weekend for Martin Luther King Day. Alex gets school pictures next week and then the book fair is the week after that.. and the yearbook orders are due as well ... I forgot that at his school its the months after Christmas where all they want is money money money.. lol..

February 20th 2006
Not much to say today but I have a great website to pass along. Its run by a wonderful father who is helping spread the word about Autism Awareness please.. check it out.. buy a pin help spread the message so that someday there may be a cure..

February 20th 2006
Loads going on here right now, School was out for a 4 day weekend so We are just enjoying ourselfs.. Alex wanted to See Curious George so we went saturday and REALLY enjoyed it .. Yesterday was his cousins birthday and he had lots of fun there.. She is 4 now, so hard to believe. Alex is doing good in school. He loves Math especially but is doing good in other areas as well and enjoys getting to be with his friends at school.