Saturday, September 23, 2006

You Do Realize You Are Getting Paid Right???

This week the bane of my life is people who seem to not understand that they are getting paid for work.. If you have a job.. why not work your hours so you get paid.. Do you just want to be able to say I am scheduled to work such and such hours this week??? J is always being called in early or kept late at work cause someone else wants to leave early or not come in at all.. Do they not realize that the point of having a job is to make money???? If you are scheduled 10 hours and you only work 2.. what the heck is the point of having a job..Do you just like to say>. Hey.. I work at such and such place??? Its nuts... I am continually amazed.. Then.. when J does work the extra hours.. people are like.. why are you working so much.. Don't you hate being at work.. Yes.. I am not really fond of being at work he replies.. but you do realize you GET PAID?? to work right.. Sure the other employees poor work ethic sure helps money on our end.. ( like the week J had 53 hours.. ) .. but whats the point really.. why have a job if you are going to do everything you can not to go and get paid..
Its not even just the little teengagers my hubby works with Either.. A's new TSS seems to subscribe to this theory of work as well.. Thursday night she was supposed to see A from 3:30-8:00 well we cut it down to 6-8 because thsi was her second week with him and the first week was something less than great so I wanted to get a chance to see how she worked with him before sending them off alone.. and I wanted to get to know her before I let her drive A around.. Anyway.. I told her til 8 because our scout meeting runs til 7:30.. but it takes til 8 to get cleaned up and out of there and that period of time between 7:30 and 8 is often a time where a meltown happpens.. this week she took off at about 7:40 without really so much as a goodbye or a hey.. I am no longer going to be here to supervise your childs interactions.. and OF COURSE>. we where out of there about 10 minutes after she headed out the door and had a meltdown on the way to the car. .. Had she been there she could have seen what happens and how we can better deal with them and keep them from happening.. but nope.. SHE WAS GONE! SO Again I ask. You People Do Realize You Get Paid For Work RIGHT????

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