Friday, November 14, 2008


Our day usually starts around 8-8:25 in the morning when the alarm goes off to get Alex ready for school. And if Jason works the evening before usually doesn't end until about 3 am. So it REALLY REALLY annoys the hell out of me when people don't have the manners to check the time before they call my home.
This morning the phone rings at 7:50. Its the special ed support worker from Alex's school calling to tell me they scheduled his IEP meeting for January 5th.. At that point I am not sure which is more annoying.. the fact that she called before 8 am or the fact that she wasn't informed that a meeting was schedule by my request for December 4th.
Then there is my mil .. who is still hospitalized. She calls at 10 til 9 this morning.. knowing that I leave the house right around that time to take Alex to school and she continues to talk and talk even though I say to her.. Hey I have to go... over and over..
Last night the hubby tells me a scouting friend was trying to get ahold of us cause I said he could put the pinewood derby track in our garage.. there was no missed calls or messages on my caller ID.. turns out he called my mils phone not mine.. but even so.. why the hell did he decided to maek the call at midnight( the time my mil recieved the missed call from him on her cell).. Why do people have no consideration for others peace and quiet??


Unknown said...

Oh gosh I feel your pain. I hide my darn phones at night. Anyone who HAS to get me can call my DH's phone. LOL

I'd love to vent about "why cant moms take their kids with them" but I am not sure if they read my blog! If they see this.. just know I love your kids but would love a day off too.

Anonymous said...

Ughhhhhhhh such a pia, people give no thought these days I swear.