Monday, May 18, 2009

Catching Up

Since I have a little bit of free time I decided I should write a entry in my journal since it has been so long. Things are going well here. We are just finishing up 4th grade and ready for a busy summer. Alex has Karate Camp and Kids College planned as well as STARS reading camp through his school.  He is excited about summer and hoping to get to spend some time hanging out with his friends from both his elementary school as well as his karate school.
  Things have been busy for us running back and forth from place to place all year long and eventually we decided that the best choice for all of us was to stop doing Cub Scouts so that we could free up at least one evening in our week just to have some time to breathe ourselves.  It seems to be working nice and doesn't seem like anyone is missing not going to scouts anymore. I think our time there had run its course.
 Alex is still very involved in Karate and loves it as much now as he did two years ago when he started. He is now a Level 6 Jr. Blackbelt and if he stays on schedule should test again at the end of May. Then the end of June and the end of August. He is excited about moving up to a new belt and learning new things and also loves getting to see his friends at karate.
 I am busy working on learning how to use my new Camera. I got a Nikon D90 DSLR camera for a combo gift of many Christmases and Birthdays. Its worth not getting gifts for a while to have such a nice camera. I am looking forward to learning to use it and have already gotten many great shots that I could never had gotten with my old camera. Its definitly a work in progress as the camera has more buttons and settings than my car.
 Jason is busy working and in his free time he is taking Hapkido classess as the karate school as well. He really enjoys them and misses it a lot when work gets in the way.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Its 4 am and my son is STILL awake. We have to get up in less than 2 hours to take Jason to work. Then Alex has school at 9.. and yet.. At 4am. He is still laying in his bedroom calling out to me.. Mom.. I cant sleep.. 
  I was in bed. I laid down.. I tried to sleep.. he called out to me every 5 minutes.. makes it hard to sleep.. Finally I came out to the computer.. ( so that jason could sleep at least) and what does the kid do?? He comes out to..@@ Oh man.. So I said.. ok.. lets try a warm shower.. maybe that will help.. So I get the water running.. and he takes a very noisy shower.. Swear this kid has NO volume control whatsover.. lol.. So now he is back in bed... Fingers crossed that he falls asleep.. Cause I KNOW he is going to be a monster when I wake him.. and that will only be the start of a fun day.. Since tomorrow he also has a appt with the dentist at 2 o'clock.. Fun fun.. 
  Thats actually what brings us back to the stem of the not sleeping. I fight with him daily over teeth brushing.. big pain in the butt over it.. and now he is upset cause he is afraid the dentist will yell at him.. To which I point out.. YET AGAIN.. that while the dentist will point out what you havent done.. and will tell you why its a bad thing to have done that. He WON'T actually YELL at you.. Yelling is what mommy does when she has to take you to the Dentist and she only got 45 minutes of sleep.. 
 Which leads me to my question?? Why in the world is he more scared of the Dentist than of mom?? That is sooo not right. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

First Photos..

Between being busy and being sick I have't gotten to work as much with my new camera as I would like to. Even so I did get a chance last week to hold my child still and get some photos to share. Here is my favs from the ones I took last week .

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hard Work.. But Fun Work

I am very excited today because my new camera arrived. I ordered a Nikon D90 SLR camera last week and had been anxiously awaiting the arrival. Got the batteries charged and the packages opened and let the camera warm back up since it was on a cold UPS truck all day.. Now all I need to do is start taking pictures and learning about the settings and buttons ( there are a lot.. lol ) problem is.. our house is crappy bad for photo taking of any kind.. very small and the rooms all have harsh yellow flourescents in it.. So, we are looking forward to the coming months when the weather gets better to do some out door photo shoots .. As soon as I have something to share I Will put it up here.. can't wait..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just hanging around at home today because I am trying to avoid driving in the snow until I have to. So I decided since I was home and bored.. And definatly not interested in cleaning, that I would upload some pictures to my facebook from High School. It was fun to look through them and I loved all the responses I got from my friends about how they looked 1o years ago. It was very funny.
Now I am sitting here watching Tv.. Just watched Dirty Dancing.. Patrick Swayze is wonderful.. and now I am watching the end of the princess diaries.. not sure why but I really like that movie. Course I like a large varietie of movies so that definatly serves me well.
Well, off to busy myself til Jason gets off work at 6 pm. Alex wants to watch the Football games today but I think thats only cause he forgot that its Extreme Home Makeover night ( his favorite show)