Monday, December 22, 2008

Things on my computer.. Round 2

So I was once again wondering the memory of my computer and found these pictures saved from my grandma's 80th birthday party a few years back.. The first is my grandma and my cousins from I "believe" my grandmas 70th birthday 10 years prior.. with her are from the far left.. Kayla, Sarah and Kelly Jo ( with me in the background ) and the next picture is an updated version with the same cousins who are in the picture 15, 13 and 17 ( I think thats the ages) time sure did fly.. I remember when each of them where born.. and playing with them when they where babies.. and now only one of them is under 18.. they are 18, 16 and 20 now I believe.. how did that happen..

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Hanging with the Big Guy

Today was a Santa visiting day.. We had been putting off pictures with Santa cause we wanted to get Alex's haircut.. the one he chose two weeks ago just isn't working well on him and seems messy to me.. ( he doesn't mind.. but without some massive product he looks scruffy) anyway.. we gave up.. Santa was at a party we went to tonight so we got a pic there and the went to the lights to get the official one cause Santa leaves for home on the 23rd to make sure the elves are ready. So twice tonight he got Santa pics.. didnt turn out too bad and his hair doesn''t look as bad in the pics as it does in person.. lol..

The second two pictures are Santa and Destiny ( isn't she a sweetie.. she just loves him ) and Santa and John ( Destinys Daddy) he was trying to convince Santa that he was a good boy this year.. Santa was less than believing of it.. :)
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Its almost here

School is finally out for the holidays. Friday was the last day. After some worry that school might be cancelled on the one day the kids actually want to go ( Christmas Party Day). Alex has lots of plans for the break. He has cookies to make and a gingerbread house to put together. He wants to see the lights over and over.. lol. and grandpap is coming to visit. So the vacation will definatly not be one where we sit around and relax.. So, while I am sitting here under my blanket .. trying not to freeze ( its like -1 out there with wind chill) I thought I would upload some pictures to share.. The first is some of our Christmas lights.. Alex's favorite ones of course since they are blue.. Then of course is Alex with a cheesy grin in front of our Christmas tree..

This next one is how Alex spent most of his first day of vacation.. wrapped up tight in jammies and a robe watchig Christmas movies.. lol.. and then there is Kovu.. the happy kitty who is just overjoyed with the fact that he is able to torture Alex for 16 uninterrupted days of vacaction..

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It amazes me that no matter how early I wake my husband and child up in the morning.. and no matter how many times I yell at them to get their butts moving we still manage to be late because they can't be bothered to get themselves out of bed.. ARGH

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wonders of Technology!

Thanks to a link from a friend and the wonders of the people at Google.. I have spent most of the evening playing with Google map and their new Street View Feature. This allowed me to see a from the street view of the house I grew up in, as well as do something I havent done in 14 years.. Walked down the streets of my neighborhood looking at friends houses and seeing how the neighborhood changed. It was a fun and memory stirring experience. I was also able to go look at my friends house that I lived at for 3 months in 1994 as well as my grandparents house. So.. to share a picture of the home I grew up in.. In Gahanna Ohio.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Holiday Lights on the Lake

Last night we took my parents with us to see the lights on the lake at Lakemont Park. Some of the pictures came out really well. Some not soo great.. Its hard to take pictures with your hand hanging out the window in 20 degree weather and trying to drive at the same time.

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Alex with Santa.. I think 2003 :) He was 4 years old
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Things on the Computer

Since we have a computer and a laptop things seem to be spread out beween both our computers. So I decided that since I had several hours before Jason would be ready for work that I would move files from the desktop to the laptop. While I was moving things I found this Christmas Graphic I made a few years ago so I thought I would share it while I was busy waiting for files to transfer over and before I head out in the crappy weather to pick my hubby up at work.
Hopefully sometime this weekend I will also get to upload the pictures I took at the Lights on the Lake.. some are better than others, but its kinda hard to take good pictures while driving the twisty turning paths at Lakemont Park.. lol..
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Hanging Out..

Just hanging out at home tonight. Alex and I took Jason to work earlier and had dinner at CiCi's.. not my orginal intention.. but a friend mentioned it earlier and it made me hungry for it.. Ran into some friends from Hapkido there.. that was a nice treat. Specially since we haven't been to class much lately with the holidays and schedules being crazy lately.
This morning was an earlier morning than normal as Alex had a student council meeting this morning. So we stopped and picked his friend up and took him as well.. silly for two moms to drive in when one can. So off they went to their important meeting and home I went to clean and shower and misc things. Including putting mp3s on Alex's upgraded phone. He got a Juke this time. Rather small sized as adult phones go but great for a 9 year olds hand. He loves it and loves that he can put sooo much music on it. No need for his Mp3 playeras anymore so I guess that can be my spare since mine only has 512 memory and holds way less music than his new phone which holds 2gb.
So now we are just chilling. Alex is playing his new Kingdom hearts game, was going to save it for Christmas.. but since its technically just an upgraded version of the same game he got last christmas we decided to let him have it rather than giving him the same game twice. Specially since this is more a whole family thing than just Alex. He is happy. The bigger screen and 3 d rendering make it a heck of a lot easier for him to play.
When he is done.. around 8.. I will watch some tv before sending him to bed.. We have to wake back up around 2 and pick Jason up from work and then get up early again in the morning cause tomorrow is his IEP meeting.. Fingers crossed that it goes well.