Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just hanging around at home today because I am trying to avoid driving in the snow until I have to. So I decided since I was home and bored.. And definatly not interested in cleaning, that I would upload some pictures to my facebook from High School. It was fun to look through them and I loved all the responses I got from my friends about how they looked 1o years ago. It was very funny.
Now I am sitting here watching Tv.. Just watched Dirty Dancing.. Patrick Swayze is wonderful.. and now I am watching the end of the princess diaries.. not sure why but I really like that movie. Course I like a large varietie of movies so that definatly serves me well.
Well, off to busy myself til Jason gets off work at 6 pm. Alex wants to watch the Football games today but I think thats only cause he forgot that its Extreme Home Makeover night ( his favorite show)