Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh Sleep.. Why have your foresaken me..

Its my own fault really. I know better.. Go to bed before midnight.. wake up around 2 or 3 am.. so why did I got to bed before midnight.. when I knew better?
Because my son kept me up off and on all night last night and then woke me up two hours early this past morning.. so I was soo tired I barely kept my eyes open for the last 5 of CSI and knew there was no way in hell I was making it through ER let alone the news so off I headed to bed. Slept well for a while and then of course.. 1:30 I woke up and now I am not sleepy.. worse even.. not sleepy and my stomach is upset.
So what better to do with my extra non sleeping time than bug the ones I love with a new blog. LOL..
So, provided Alex is feeling better.. ( fingers crossed) here are our plans for the weekend.
Friday after school we are supposed to be going to see High School Musical 3. Lets home I can get out and get the tickets in time.
Saturday we have a long day planned as long as the rain holds off. We plan to go to the pumpkin patch in the morning. Then head to the halloween parade in the next town over. Folowed by a webelos den Halloween Party for Cub Scouts in the evening.
Sunday ... is kinda iffy early on. If it rains saturday than I guess it will be the pumpkin patch on Sunday. otherwise we will hang at home til around 5 and then start getting ready for a halloween party we are going to at 6.
So, lots going on.. nothing huge but fun all the same. Hopefully it will be nice out and we will get lots of pumpkin patch pictures to share.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Hope you got to go to the pumpkin patch!