Monday, August 28, 2006

2nd Grade here we come..

Today is August 28th, Summer is ending for the school kids and we are only 2 days away from our first day of second grade. This year is being entered into with a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness. Our teacher for this school year is brand new to having her own classroom. But she is a very well liked and respected teacher both by the students ( she subbed at the school last year for the last part of the year ) and by the parents and teachers. She was recommended as the best choice for my son by his teacher last year who has a very wonderful grasp on what he needs out of the world. I am looking foward to next year. I have been told that a teacher always remembers her first class no matter how many years she has been teaching.. I Hope my son can help make her first year great and I hope she can help continue his growth as a student and a person. We have some IEP issues I think that will need to be addressed in the year to come. Speech Therapy being a main one as he will no longer be recieving it at Easter Seals because his health insurance has decidecd that they feel he is no longer in need of the services they evaluate for . His speech issues are mainly Pragmatic and they don't really evaluate for that.
Some other things going on, We have recently finanalized all our plans for our coming scouting year and are looking forward to lots of fun plans.. I will try hard to post pics and details along the way.. So that you can share our fun with us.. . Also in the final stage of planning is A's therapy schedule for the fall.. it is in no where near as hectic as last year.. but will still involve 5 therapies.. Physical Therapy, OT in the water, OT on the land, Behavioral Therapy and TSS Therapies..

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