Thursday, November 18, 2010

The woman is a card carrying member of the "I suck at this job" club

At the end of last school year a letter was sent home asking if any of the kids in 5th and 6th grade wanted to participate in the reading competition team for this year. Alex was very excited and read 5 books total. He only had to read 2-3. The team had 13 kids sign up and the schools Pssa coach was supposed to be in charge of the team.
Fast forward to this school year. I run into the PSSA coach at the beginning of the year and she tells us she is at a different school this year and isn't sure what will happen with the reading competition. So November starts and we get a paper home saying the date of the competition and that is all. The kids never had a meeting. No organization etc. Competition date comes tuesday and half the kids have dropped out because the person in charge told no one anything so they where clueless and didn't want to deal with it anymore.
Alex and 5 other team mates showed up. They tried their hardest but since they where 2 kids short of a full team they where docked 2 points each of the 3 rounds and added to that they hadn't read all the books on the list because they where supposed to be spread out between all the members. Alex had read the most of the group but that still didn't help them with other 15 books on the list.. The kids tried and they showed up when they said they would and worked har. So Kudos to them.. but I would sure like to kick a certain member of the school district who was supposed to help these kids get ready and didn't do ANYTHING~!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Oh man, what a pain, poor Alex and the other kids. :/