Monday, September 08, 2008

I hate this.

Let me start by saying, I have never been a person to go to the drs for every ache and pain I have. If i smash my toes.. well.. I know they are broken, I know the dr cant do much for it. What is the point in going to the Drs? Same with a sinus infection. Or a cold etc.. I go to the drs when I have no other choice. Like back in January when for some still unknown reason I lost all ability to speak and think straight. But for the most part I just l ive with whatever pain or trials I may have, I know what causes them and just deal with them. I don't need the dr to put a name to what wrong to me to make me feel better or worse.

That being said a few years ago some members of my family where diagnosed with Fibromyalgia then began a constant demands that I go to the dr and be evaluated for it as well. It makes me crazy. I have done the research. I know what Fibro is, I know what the signs and symptoms are. Frankly I know that I have Fibro. So why go to the Drs and pay money to have him tell me what I already know?
Things I already know and have told the most recent dr that I saw. I am miserable and exhausted daily. I don't want to get out of bed during the day and I can't sleep at night. I ache all over almost everyday. I get headaches regularly. I have IBS symptoms that have been there for years that I have learned to just deal with because like all the other problems listed above. If I don't deal with them. I don't have a life. I learned long ago that sitting there wasting away your days complaining about not feeling well just adds to the not feeling well of it all. I was feeling much better for a while when I was taking Hapkido. Unfortunatly gas prices, job changes and regular old life got in the way and I had to stop taking classes in favor of paying the bills with that extra money. It really stinks but again its part of how life is.
This blog is really just a whiny why me blog and I can totally understand if you are annoyed that had you read it. I know no one can fix the things that are bothering me. I just needed to gripe and moan for a little bit.


Brandy said...

(((Val))) I just remebered to check the blogs today and saw this. Is there anything out there to help people with Fibromyalgia?

MomToAp said...

I know there are some kinds of medicines as well as some other treatments. Unfortunatly I only have minimum health coverage with no prescription coverage at all. Only emergency and contraceptive.